Where, Your Halo
Our intentional sharing of this diaconal call, this pilgrim’s progress.
(Note: This is the first in an ongoing series written for the deacons of the Diocese of Colorado Springs)
Dear Brother Deacons in Christ,
Oh! How blessed we are to, together, serve our invisible, our poor, our outcast! How blessed are we to bring them the Word of Christ through the clay of our bodies, as the least members of His clergy! How blessed each of you able to bring these lost sheep back to the full body of Christ through the gift of serving at Mass! Cherish every moment of love and sacrifice as the gift it is, for Christ may see fit to focus your ministry elsewhere, anytime. As servants, we bow in humility, and go where we are told, do what is asked of us, and of equal import, do not do what is not ours to do. For we are but one member of a body of many members, each with our own calling. How beautiful! When, in humility, we each answer our call, Christ coordinates our efforts and His grace in ways we sometimes are blessed to glimpse after the fruit.